
Wouldn't an abortion let me just get on with my life?  The reality is: abortion is a life-changing decision.  Life will never be the same for you, whether you have an abortion or choose to carry your baby to term.  Each choice has an impact on you.
Before choosing abortion, make sure you have up-to-date, accurate information about its risks.

What do I need to know about abortions?

Abortion is a medical procedure, and as with all medial procedures, comes with its own risks.  Don't let anyone rush you into a medical decision before you understand the risks and consider all your choices.
First, it is very important to have your pregnancy confirmed as there are many reasons you could have missed your period.  Even if you have taken an at-home test, it is wise to take a medical grade 
pregnancy test.
Also, an ultrasound will provide vital information about your pregnancy; the viability, the gestational age, and what type of abortion procedure you may be facing.

 What are the different types of abortions?

The Morning After Pill
The emergency contraception medication, the morning-after pill, is used to prevent pregnancy for women who have had unprotected sex.  
Plan B (to be taken within 72 hours) contains a high dose of progesterone that may prevent ovulation.  Also, it may irritate the lining of your uterus.  If an egg has already been released and fertilized by the sperm, this irritation could make it harder for the embryo to implant in your uterus.
Ella (to be taken within 5 days) is chemically related to mifepristone, the abortion pill, and works by a similar mechanism of action.
*note: the morning-after pill will not prevent sexually transmitted infections or diseases.

RU-486, also known as the abortion pill, uses medication to end a known pregnancy.  Ru-486 will not work on pregnancies past 10 weeks.  Ending your pregnancy through the abortion pill is a three-step process.  The first pill, mifepristone, inhibits progesterone from being absorbed in the womb.  This cuts off the supply of blood and nutrients to the developing embryo.  The second drug, misoprostol, causes uteran contractions to shed the fetus and intrauterine lining through the vaginal canal.  Two weeks later, you will have a visit with your doctor to confirm the abortion is complete.  This follow-up appointment is very important.  If your abortion is not complete, you may require a surgical abortion.
*note: If you or someone you know took the abortion pill and regret it, there may still be time.  The Abortion Pill Reversal provides free and confidential care 24/7.  Call 855.209.4848 or go to AbortionPillReversal.com now.  There may still be time to save your pregnancy.

Surgical abortions involve dilating your cervix and using suction and forceps to physically remove the fetus from your uterus.  This is an out-patient procedure performed in a clinic.  Depending on your provider, local or general anesthetic may be available. 

What are the risks?

Abortions are medical procedures and each procedure comes with its own risks.  Some common risks are:

* Failed procedure
* Severe cramping/abdominal pain
* Excessive bleeding
* Blood clots in your uterus
* Infection
* Injury to your cervix or uterus
* Allergic reaction
* Nausea/vomiting

The procedure also comes with emotional and psychological side effects.  Everyone is different, and every person's experience with abortion is unique.  Some people feel emotions immediately, while others may not for months or years later.  These feelings can last for years after the abortion.  No matter how you feel, support is available.

We understand.  A positive pregnancy test is a life-changing moment for a woman.  Never is it more important to base your decisions on accurate information.
If you are considering abortion,
call or text your local center today to speak with our knowledgeable staff and get all the information about your options.  Or LiveChat here: Option Line.

Woman in a field
Your story might be different, but it can still be good.
Voice of Hope Pregnancy & Family Center offers confidential care, support, and resources regarding all pregnancy options.  We do not perform or refer for abortion services, nor do we prescribe, dispense, or refer for medical abortion drugs.